Monday, September 28, 2009

No conferences, really!

I admit, I found it odd when we received the school calendar, there were no 1/2 days listed as conferences. I thought perhaps they didn't know the days when they had the cute little magnets made.

Here we are at the end of September and I am waiting for those little conferences slips to start coming home. I talk with a friend who has a child in the same district but a different school. She has her conference schedule - for an evening. Ok, the school district must have decided to use evenings instead of 1/2 days. That makes sense, keep the instruction time for instruction.

I asked my oldest if her teacher had mentioned conferences. Nope. I email her teacher and inquire. I received a prompt and pleasant response that the "state School Superintendent opted to remove the funding for these days and require us to be in school." The school my children attend, four of them, has decided to not have conferences. If a child is struggling they will set one up. If the parent requests they will set one up, but for the majority of students there will be no conferences. Said teacher did tell me my child was doing well, that she would set up a conference if I desired but that she didn't see a particular need.

ARGH! I do know that my children are not struggling. I am thankful for that. But, I have one who is in kindergarten. I would like to hear how she is adjusting, perhaps be given some suggestions for helping her be at her best daily. And let's face it, this daughter of mine is NOT being challenged. I was hoping to address this at conferences. I was going to casually mention that she is bored by her homework. She started the school year so excited and with SO much enthusiasm. She couldn't wait to get into her homework. Now she wants nothing to do with it because all she is bringing home is penmanship practice papers. I'll be honest here, it is hard to get too riled up about her throwing a few decent looking letters on the paper and claiming completion. I have been offering workbooks at home and she loves these. Cruises through the workbooks. But it doesn't mean the same thing to get a star or a sticker from mom as it does to get one from her teacher.

Then there is my son. He also, is not being challenged. His first few weeks of spelling in third grade, his first grade sister's words were more difficult. Ok, there comes a point when there isn't much to challenge a child with spelling-wise and let's face it, I believe my son is there. So, start challenging him with vocabulary. Have him learning the what part of speech his words are, what words mean, test him on more than just the spelling!

In all honesty, I do believe my other children, at this school are challenged sufficiently.

But, come on! What parent doesn't like to ego boost of hearing "Your child is doing very well!", "She is a joy to have in class!", "I can always count on your daughter to be doing what is expected of her." Yes, I like my ego stroked. Tell me I am doing a good job with my kids. I know it, I just like reassurances now and again.

Friday, September 25, 2009


The main purpose of this blog is to write down the things that happen living with our six children. There is a lot of humor, usually AFTER the fact and a lot of learning.

As stated above, I have six children. They range in age from 2yrs to 10yrs. Five are girls and one boy. That's a lot of estrogen up and coming.

Anyone who tells you that boys and girls act differently only because of socialization - isn't a parent. When you look closely, it becomes obvious that most parenting advice doesn't come from parents. As my best friend once stated "I was an awesome parent before I became a mom." I am a mom now, so you will see I am flawed, my children are flawed and well, let's face it our world is flawed.