Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yeah and not so much so

Yeah: "I" have done it! With a lot of help from a friend of a friend. I can now be online on Facebook without fear of "the wrong people" seeing I am on and trying to chat. While still showing face for those I don't mind chatting with.

My 5 yr old is READING, not just reciting but READING Green Eggs and Ham by herself! I now have her doing other books as well. Some of them are actually easier, Hop on Pop, Go Dogs Go, but who can argue with the 5 yr old taking initiative and reading Green Eggs and Ham? Go, Bekki, Go!

Not so much: My lovely oldest daughter added regular dish soap to the dishwasher detergent in the latest load of dishes. Oy Vey! Bubbles galore and I will need to run the rinse cycle at least 3x to get rid of all those bubbles! She may have to start washing dishes by hand on her days from here on out. Can't let a mistake like that take the chore away - maybe just make it more difficult. ;-)

It is getting chilly outside! I had to pull out the long sleeved tshirts. Pout. On the good side, Chili for dinner, yum! I make a mean Chili if I say so myself. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yea Bekki! :) So good to hear of good reading habits developing early. I disliked reading growing up and I think it is because I never found books I really enjoyed.

    I, too, am enjoying being on FB w/o the fear of being talked to everytime I log on by people I don't care to talk to but the holiday functions.

    Let me know how the d/w deal works out. Yikes~and btw, chili sounds great!
