Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Forget House Beautiful, this is HOME beautiful!

As I was tidying up the house today for a playdate a few things occurred to me:

1. If we all showed how we really are, we would be less crazy about cleaning up for company.
2. I really don't anymore. I figure I have 6 kids, deal.
3. I would be sad to live in a house that looked like my kids DIDN'T live there.

And then I was thinking about our furnishing and decorations. Some very generous terms to be sure. But, we have MANY original
and one of a kind paintings and drawings adorning our walls. I can't imagine having it any other way. A print of some famous painting... why? My children - and sometimes my husband create beautiful artwork. By framing some of their projects, they know that I am proud of them and their work. They get to show people when they come over "I drew that last year." Their artwork not only validates them, but it also is a beautiful snapshot in time. One of my favorites
was my birthday gift this year. Steve purchased a posterboard, paints and frame. He painted my hands and his hands brown and we placed them on the poster. Then he painted each of the kids hands in turn, in different colors and arranged them next to ours. Our own family tree in painted hands.
Truly, ours is a "Home Beautiful."

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