Monday, January 11, 2010

Where has the fabric gone?

The other week I purchased some white flannel for backs of napkins from our local Hobby Lobby. Great stuff, nice and soft. But, I didn't purchase enough. So, today after taking the youngsters to soccer I decide to take them to JoAnn's to get more flannel. I just want plain white, the closer store is fine, right? Nope.

There is NO plain white flannel there at all. I contemplate loading them up and going to HL, but I have an extra 4 yr old with me (neice) and it is COLD. Ok, red will work, not ideal but it will work. I decide while I am there to look at the holiday fabrics. The selection is dismal! 4 Valentine prints, all just blah. 4 St. Patty fabrics, only 1 would be even suitable for napkins. Sigh. I can't even spend money when I want to. I guess Steve will be happy. They used to carry so many fabrics it would make my head spin. In a good way, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Our Joanns had a TON instock when I went on Sunday and there was NO ONE there. Seriously, just me and some other lady who ended up leaving without buying anything. They had 3 rows of Flannel, but I was only there for white too lol.
