Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ever get weird feelings?

You know, like flashes of the future? Like in Mad Money. When Katie Holms character says she "had a bad feeling." A feeling, a flash of the future, undefined except by very vague notions.

I get 'em. Always have. A lot of people don't really believe in that sort of thing. I myself am a skeptic when others talk about being able to see the future or other similiar "fortunes."

I got one tonight, a feeling that is. It really rocked me. I was prepping things for tomorrow morning - Christmas you know! :) And I was thinking how I really hope the kids enjoy what I got them - and what Santa got them. And a little voice in my head said "make it great, it'll be your last." Rather hoping I am wrong on this one.

It is weird. I haven't ever really given much thought as to whether the kids will enjoy their presents (I mean after initally purchasing them). And then there are the goodies. We don't do goodies - I bake a batch of sugar cookies and the kids frost them. That is all we do. This year we also made some Brazilian treat that Brandy wanted to try, chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered cherries. I also purchased white almond bark and oreos - we just ran out of time. And the stockings... I normally only get them one stuffer each and a "candy cane" filled with m&ms. This year, they have 3-4 stuffers, the chocolate oranges things, the canes they normally get, a Chocolate Santa and a regular candy cane. I made up a stocking for Steve - something I have NEVER done. Just weird - especially for a Grinch like me.

I must be over-tired and over-thinking.

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