Friday, December 4, 2009

Woot! I did it!

I kept my big ole trap shut! Ya'all might remember a little post awhile back.

I was directly asked "How do you get that?" (referring to well behaved children who actually do as they are told.) And I stayed quiet. Didn't think it was possible did you? Me either. LOL. But as I have tried to answer what we have done - successfully, I might add - before and was brushed off. I literally bit my tongue and hoped she said something so that I wouldn't have to answer the question she thought she was asking rhetorically.

This week I have also de-cluttered (for now) the office and my kitchen counter, ordered photo calendars for the grandparents, ordered Christmas cards, and printed labels for said cards. Now I just need to write the letters... though, I might not. And now you know where I have been all week. ;-)

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