Sunday, February 7, 2010

The weekend of the headache -

Friday hubby got a migraine. He was able to function through the beginning of it. It kicked into high gear about dinner time. By bedtime he was moaning in bed. This is not unusual for his migraines (ok, the functioning in the beginning is unusual). I attempted to go to bed and was contemplating moving to the couch if I could figure out where enough blankets were without waking kids. As I am considering this he is doubled over on the floor, reaching across the bed clutching me. Are you wondering why I was considering the couch? And he says "I think I need to go to the hospital."

OMG! Are you serious?!? He has had some doozies where he actually feels better literally bopping his head on the wall, this is the first time he has ever said anything about seeing a doctor while he is in the throes of a migraine. (He has seen doctors about migraines and does have a prescription for them.)

Um, ok, this one must be REALLY bad if he is telling me that he wants to go to the hospital at 10:30! Wow, ok. So now what? Do we wake the kids and drag them out of bed. Not only is it the middle of the night but we are in the middle of a snow storm. Visibility is nill. Hubby says we can call an ambulance or maybe try his brother. I try his brother.

Bro says he will come over to watch the kiddos. I go out to start the car and scrape 4ish inches off of the thing. When his brother arrives he says the roads are bad and he will just take hubby in. I go to bed. :-O Some supportive wife I am, eh?

Hub gets a shot of Demerol and comes home. He still has a headache but it is much more dull and he can sleep. He wakes up, still has a migraine but not too bad. By 9am he is writhing again. We do a hurry up and get him into the doctor office walk in hours. Thank goodness we live on a main road! He gets two more shots and a heartier prescription.

That darned thing finally gave up about 8pm Saturday night! My poor hubby is about wiped out. And so am I. I wish we could figure out his triggers and get rid of these stupid things!

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