Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Birds!

So, I have told you about our cardinal. He has extended his domain. He now tries to fly into our bedroom window as well. And an added bonus, he sits outside the office window and stares in.

So, this gets me giggling and thinking about my dad. You see, there has long been family teasing about how he and his brother watched the A. Hitchcock movie The Birds and it totally freaked Jerry out. To this day he will tell you "It was a scary movie." Maybe - I don't know, haven't seen it. But I might be living The Bird. This cardinal seems to be stalking us.

Fast forward to today. I'm enjoying a little tv time while my children nap. My hubby is working from home and I hear him say "Barb! (unintelligible garble)!" I go to see what he wanted, usually it is help finding a misplaced item or such. He says "THERE'S A BIRD IN HERE!" What? "A BIRD!" (as it buzzes my head on the way to the living room. Yep, that's a bird! WTF?!? (disclaimer: this was NOT our cardinal, this was a wren)

So, I am laughing. I mean, who else would somehow get birds in their house? We have had mice (not unusual for country homes), chipmunks (their not as cute up close and in the house!), a snake (need I say more on this one?!?) and now a bird! Really?!?

My first real response, after laughing, is "Where is that d@mn cat?" and then "Where'd the bird go?" Both questions were answered rather quickly as I saw a black and white streak of fur fly by on the way to the kitchen. She went a little nutty and knocked a few things down, but the kitty got her man, er, um, bird. Then I promptly set them both outside! We don't need any decapitations happening on my kitchen (or any other room) floor! Kitty set birdy down to play with the birdy - as is a cats way. Have you ever seen one of these tortured devices at work? They catch their prey, then let it go and let it think it is getting away and then POUNCE! Anyway, this birdy actually did fly away. Kitty is walking around a little pissed right now.

And that folks, is my big entertainment for the afternoon. "And to think that I saw it all on Mulberry Street." Except, mine is factual... this bird story, is my horse and buggy. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Yea we've had 3 birds in our houses. First 2 flew down the chimney and the 3rd one just flew in the open door. The term bird brain came from somewhere, obviously its fitting. They aren't very smart.
